
TWI Original Bulletin Series

Follow this link to the updated TWI Service page: TWI Bulletins

Here you can find the original bulletin series. The entire government printed collection can be found in the hardbound version of the TWI Service Materials, published in 1945.

Of course, some of the bulletins are wildly out of date regarding the wording and culture. The upshot is that it is an accurate representation of the times. From a management history perspective, there is some timeless material here and some is more relevant today - especially when we consider the desperate need for standardization and improvement by each and every person in the organization.

The bottom line though is that these bulletins were issued to District Representatives, which were then copied and passed onto local companies. These bulletins represent much of the context of the TWI J-programs. If you are a TWI trainer, reading these will reveal some of the strategy and thinking that is underlying the TWI program contained within the J - programs

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