
TWI Service Blog is Moving

Subscribers to TWI Blog have received nearly 400 posts between 2007 and 2013. I've been very happy to share and learn from others who are practicing their skills in continuous improvement and management. I've taken a long break from the blog and content generation over the past two years. That time was well spent experimenting with TWI J-skills and developing a comprehensive management approach that is yielding positive results.

As a result, we will be moving the blog and TWI website to the next level: resuming the blog, updating the archives with more original materials and creating a member side of the site where people can learn about the positive changes we have made and learned over the past couple of years - with original content that is proven in plants around the world. This blog is moving to the main site and can be found at the following link:

TWI Blog - Update Your Bookmarks!

The export wasn't as clean as I wanted, so updating the legacy posts will be lower priority, but the original written content is still there - but in WordPress format now. The nice thing is that the blog site will now be embedded into the main TWI site making things a bit easier and more seamless for all involved.

Thanks for reading and see you on the other site!

Bryan Lund